James and Uzzell can help prepare budgets, which enable you to forecast your profit levels and cash flow requirements and provide a benchmark against which you can measure your actual results. In addition to helping you move forward, our business plans, budgets, and financial forecasts can be used to provide banks, investors and other stakeholders.
Forecasting and Budgeting
All businesses need to plan ahead to maximise their potential. Having an accurate picture of your expected profits and cash flow needs through financial forecasting is essential to ensure you make the right decisions and sufficient funding and working capital to assure the ongoing financial health of your business.
James and Uzzell can help you make sure your budget and forecasting are working in tandem. We can analyse your company’s financial position, forecast your profit levels and cash flow, measure results and ensure you take timely action and re-forecast to achieve your targets and goals.
Business Planning and Monitoring
A Business Plan is a written document that describes your core business objectives and how you intend to achieve them over a set period of time. A Business Plan is essential to help you, and others, understand how you plan to generate money and make your business successful and sustainable. A well-composed Business Plan often includes information about your goals, strategies, marketing, sales plans and financial forecasts.
James and Uzzell take a unique and personal approach in really getting to know each and every one of our clients to help create bespoke financial models for each individual business. We encourage forward-thinking in our clients to avoid missed opportunities.
We help you to set and monitor KPIs and use monthly data to re-forecast. This allows us to provide a moveable budget where necessary to ensure you achieve your goals and have a long-term business plan.
Systems Review and Integration
Accounting systems assist with the day-to-day operation of your business and allow you to keep track of your business’ records.
James and Uzzell can offer a full review of your accounting systems and offer recommendations for improvement. We can assist in the implementation of new systems to produce accurate and timely information.
Business Sales and Acquisitions
Business sales, mergers and acquisitions are significant transactions in the lifecycle of any business and its shareholders. These transactions are often complex, can carry considerable risks as well as rewards and require a significant investment of management time.
Existing clients of James and Uzzell will be well prepared should these opportunities come along. We have over forty years of experience in dealing with business sales and acquisitions. We will have ensured that all financial information is to hand and that the sale process is smooth and efficient.
We will assist in the financial due diligence and legal process for both sales and acquisitions, which can be an intense process. We can work with sales teams to produce all the necessary documents in the correct formats to ensure the deal is structured correctly.
Our proactive and well-prepared approach also enables us to ensure the deal is structured correctly to minimise tax implications.
Estate Planning, Trusts and Wealth Management
Estate planning provides a viable and sound way to prepare your finances to ensure that your assets are protected for your loved ones. It also helps you to plan for the amount of Inheritance Tax you’ll pay.
We can help you with life-time planning to ensure that you have a plan that takes you right through your retirement.
Our thorough and personal process gives us the opportunity to identify the need to create trusts and allows us to do everything possible to protect your assets and minimise Inheritance Tax. We can also introduce you to an Independent Financial Advisor who can advise you on your investments.
Forensic Reports
Forensic reports are the result of investigation over accounting records, financial statements, and other related financial records. This sort of investigation is mostly used for legal support and resolving conflict and is usually requested by a solicitor.
James and Uzzell have plenty of experience in providing forensic reports which include due diligence and reporting on a company’s financial situation.
Company Valuations
Company valuation is a process and set of procedures used to estimate the economic value of a business. Company valuations are usually required in numerous situations, such as selling your business, for probate purposes and business disputes.
James and Uzzell tailor our business valuations to the specific needs of the client. We provide a full valuation report that provides an overview of the company, industry and economy that is accurate and defensible.